Epi User Access and Permissions
- Only WebAdmin can set up new users
- This solution provides an WebAdmin guidance on the permission available to users
- General definitions of permissions and access levels can be found here: http://webhelp.episerver.com/latest/cms-admin/access-rights.htm
- We are working on adding a form to the epi login screen so a user can self-service a request for access but for now that is not in place. (coming soon)
- Users will be able to comment on content within Epi - but this is not yet available (coming soon)
Permission Levels
Epi is very flexible in terms of the access and permissions we can provide to a user. We can provide a user access to many functions or only a particular area, page, block or, image or download.
Some standard user groups have been set up to help us provide general system access. These are:
- Global preview only access
Needs the CMSUser permission
- Global to local editing access (no publishing access by default)
Needs CMSUser permission and the correct editor permission for the site they should access - labelled [site code]_Editor
- Global to local publishing only access
Needs CMSUser permission and the correct editor permission for the site they should access - labelled [site code]_Publish
- Administering system users, vistior groups and advanced configuration (no editing or publishing by default)
Needs the WebAdmin permission
- Plus, any combination of the above
- The international site uses the site code EN
- For access to all sites the GLOBAL permission can be used
Setting up a user
To do this an admin needs to:
- Login to Epi and, as shown, select CMS > Admin > Create User
- Fill in the fields to create a user
Username should be the Laerdal email address
Password - use a password generator to create a secure password for this user: eg. http://passwordsgenerator.net
Remember to tick the "Active" box as shown
Add the permissions a user should have to the "member of" area from the "not member of" area
Click "Save" button once you are finished
- Email user to notify them of their username and password so that they can log in and preview the content in Epi. It is worth encouraging a new user to customise their password.
3 tips:
- You can send a user the URL of the content you want them to view and that will lead them directly to the exact page/block after login. eg. The following link send a user to the US version of the support page after log in.
- So they can change their password you can use this screenshot to help inform them where they can do this:
- Some general guidance on how a user can preview content effectively (simulate live page and devices) is available here: